Saturday, November 29, 2008

What then?

It is two weeks since Awid Forum ended, every event of the day still linkers in my mind. I know we share the same memories with hundreds of great, inspiring ant intelligent women form all over the world. The most thrilling experience was meeting Young women ready to work together.

What then?

Young Women Feminist meeting emphasized on the importance of embracing the mutigenerational/inter-generational spirit, bringing together older and young women to act collectively to ensure that women rights agendas are recognize and adopted in all socio-economical agenda of our countries.

There is a need to closely re-examine our day-to-day lobbying and advocating activities.

Are we fighting the right monster or are we dancing along ?

This animal is bigger, but not bigger than all of us, when we join our hands to fight for respect of women rights and space. For use to be successful we need to pull in our strong partners, women and men of great spirit together to influence and fight the existing ideologies, cultures and practices that discriminate against women.

We are not safe, unless all are safe, we need each other on the battlefield now that it’s not over yet. Let us learn to work together both older and young women, supplement each others capabilities and weaknesses. Unity is strength. Trust me WE all have something we can learn form each other.

Thanks a lot Young Women Feminist staffs for giving young and older women the space.



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